The Rite of Reception into the Novitiate of the Fraternities of Saint Dominic officially names one "Dominican." The Rite of Final or Perpetual Profession officially seals one, for life, in the Order. The initial stages of formation take about five years and include mandated prayerful evaluation before each of the three ceremonial advancements (Novitiate, First Profession, Final Profession). Only serious circumstances will dispense or expel a member after perpetual (life) profession.
The heart, or one’s desire, certainly plays its own part in the reality of being a Dominican and many candidates experience a sense of belonging as soon as they have been accepted into the postulancy (usually lasting six months). Intent alone though is not sufficient but intent with action, such as the Reception into the Novitiate is the qualifier.
A candidate, accepted for and actively pursuing a Dominican tertiary vocation, may request perpetual profession, if desired, under circumstance of terminal illness or serious accident, even if the time of First Profession has not been fulfilled. Each case requires evaluation based on the individual’s preparedness for this final commitment to a Dominican life. This special request does not apply to less serious infirmity nor is it a ceremony to be imposed upon one who does not desire it.
~Margaret Evans, OP
Former Regional Moderator, Region Four
Our Lady of Prouille Chapter
Elkins Park, Pennsylvania
The Profession Ceremony...
The rite begins with a prostration as the candidates invoke God's Mercy and the mercy of the Order. The candidates receive the habit of the Laity and stand before the Prior and the Spiritual Promoter as sharers in the grace of the Order. Humbled by the Love of God, candidates kneel before the community and make a promise to God and the Order to Live as Dominican Brethren until death.
The Work of the Lay Dominican...
For a Lay Dominican the journey to profession is only the start of the Dominican Apostolate. Dominican Laity serve our diocese in many active ministries...Praising, Blessing, Preaching...
As Dominicans we live to contemplate and to share the fruits of contemplation for the salvation of souls.
In addition to the teaching done by our brothers and sisters in the chapter meeting, Lay Dominicans work in many ministries through out the area.
- Prison Ministry
- Homeless Ministry
- Care to shut-ins
- Teaching
- Scripture Sharing/Siena Circles
- Internet Evangelization
- Marian Ministry
- Members choose the ministry that best uses their talents...from among these and many other ministry options.